
for therapists

The New England Center for Existential Therapy was established to encourage the exploration of phenomenological and existential perspectives and their application to the work of therapists, philosophers, artists, and other students of the human condition. At each of NECET's quarterly meetings, a featured speaker presents on a topic related to the year's theme. Two discussants share prepared responses that open a period of facilitated group discussion.



  • To build.

    We seek to build a community of healers, teachers, artists, learners and more. We welcome all who wish to learn and share.

  • To learn.

    We are dedicated to intellectual curiosity and developing our craft through the disciplines of psychology and philosophy.

  • To share.

    Through our community, we share what we learn through our conferences and more.

Becoming a member

Get unlimited access to the following:

  • Peer consultations, case discussions, and support

  • Receiving and giving referrals

  • Access to a database of colleagues

  • Sharing sources, and article resources