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Bob Fox presents "Paterson"

Bob Fox takes us through the existentials of
Paterson (2010), directed by Jim Jarmusch.

Why pay attention to the everyday small things? Watch this film to find out the dangers of not paying attention to those things, and not cultivating the practices which make such profundities possible. Nothing can prepare you for the ending, so just sit with Adam Driver at the Paterson Falls and let it be.

Laura Gimby, RN, CNS - private practice mental health counselor and prescriber.
and Julie Weiss, PhD - professor of American Studies and currently a hospice social worker.

NEW LOCATION! (Yes, we are in-person again!!)
We are now hosted by
Boston College, Lynch School of Education
Campion Hall, Room 139
(Google Maps link) • (Boston College map link)

August 2

NECET announces 2022-2023 talk series and some important changes…

December 11

Ming presents "The Farewell"